About a month ago, we went up to Bangalow for Pat's birthday and I met this great chick named Bec. We hit it off immediately, bonding over my bright red MAC lipstick that won't come off. She has a lovely little daughter, I have to crazy ass boys. We both have long suffering husbands (haha). And we are both gorgeous hot babes!

After the party they ended up at our holiday house and the drinks flowed. Bec suggested that I come down for Fashion Week. She works for IMG that put it on as Designer Relations Manager and offered to hook me up with a bunch of shows. Of course I said yes!
I booked my tickets with Virgin Australia not only cos I got a good deal but I love the rock and roll style of the airline and the fact that I am in Sydney in an hour. I only have time to read one magazine before we are off the tarmac in Coffs and on the tarmac in Sydney. Love that! It used to be Virgin Blue but they changed the name sometime from when I booked the ticket to now. Have no idea why, but I do like the new uniforms.
I was freaking out about what to take down, cos I knew it was going to be a very stylish event and my basic wardrobe at home is sundresses, t shirts, jeans and thongs. And dress thongs if I'm going to the club. I read my fave clothing blog, The Glamourai, for inspiration. I certainly don't have her budget or her designer wardrobe, but I love the way she mixes all her colours and patterns and throws them together so casually but still manages to look chic. Probably helps that she has a really cute face and is probably really tall and skinny, but at least it gave me some mental direction.
I also had been wanting to dye my hair for ages but had put it off. I was spending hours on the Instyle Hair Generator thing. I was looking for a new hair colour and cut.
So after humming and hawing on what days to go (all of 'em!), what clothes to bring (everything chic and five pairs of shoes!) and what hair to have (black!), I flew down for a Sunday to Saturday holiday. My main wingman was to be Asia, who had also been there that fateful night in Bangalow and shared the hangovers the next day. Unfortunately, in the meantime, Asia had broken her ankle so severely that she was bedridden for over two weeks. It happened on the way home from a wedding reception in the Hunter Valley. The car she was in got bogged so she made a run for it to get to the rescue car so she wouldn't get wet in the rain. While wearing platform D and G's in the mud. I don't even own designer shoes, but if I did they would have at least been in my hands not stepping into the mud so I think in a way she deserved it. But it did put a wrench in my week of girlie fun.
Asia was still recuperating at a friend's house as there was no way for her to get up the four flights of stairs to her cute little bachelorette across the street from Bondi Beach. I was going to stay there but her dumbass brother and his girlfriend lobbed in before me on their way home from Tahiti and then decided to stay an extra day, so I had to ring my gorgeous friend Big Gay Pete (no he's not really big, just tall, but yes he is gay and his name is Pete) and see if I could crash at his place.
Pete gave me his spare bedroom on the main floor which was perfect. I immediately set up camp with frocks and shoes multiplying out of my suitcase to cover the entire floor.
We'd had a few drinks at the East Village Hotel which is just around the corner from Pete's Bourke St. mansion. Full of giddy excitement I got dressed for our next event which was dinner with the loverly loverly loverly Matthew and Darren. They organised for us to meet and have dinner at Zushi cos they know I love sushi!
I hadn't seen the boys in ages and it was great to catch up. They have two cute lil maltese puppies, Sammy and Molly. Well, they are grown up dogs but so tiny! Poor Sammy has had cancer and had part of his tongue cut out and a bad reaction to the chemo that they are giving him so it's been quite a stressful time for the family. Luckily, it appears that he is on the right track now and on the road to recovery.
The food was amazing and I think we had some crazy drinks too cos I remember feeling like I probably needed a nap after that meal. Instead Pete and I crossed the road and went to Stonewall, Sydney's oldest and self proclaimed Premier Gay Venue. They have a really boring looking webpage, but the bar is heaps of fun and even has a Male Box where you can send mail to hot guys and see if they respond. Anyway, on this night they had a drag show with a funny hostess and three ladies vying for the spotlight of the night. There was one with red hair that was so bad it was funny. She looked like she'd be more at home giving ten dollar wristies in the back alley, but she was so excited to be there it made up for her lack of style or talent. But really, a shiny shift dress says Year Ten Formal or Bad Katy Perry rip off, rather than over the top extravaganza. Meh.
I was exhausted early from a large shot of pure homo energy after months without and had to retire early. My darling Pete walked me safely to his place around midnight or one, tucking me in and telling me a quick bedtime story before heading out to make sure that dawn light broke with companionship.
I fell into a deep sleep in my big soft pillow filled bed, dreaming of what to wear the next day to my first day of Fashion Week!
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